Back on the scene

Hey SWAV family,

I hope everyone is having a good week!

Been a minute since I've made a blog post, but let us tune in. Our user base has grown by 290% in just six months! Although we have taken a back seat in expanding our community, we wanted to ensure all bugs were fixed and a few system related issues were ironed out before onboarding bigger barbershops.

We did this because we care about delivering high-value products and services to our clients. But we are going full steam ahead as we have reached a point where we are very confident our system is of an excellent standard and provides much value to you and your clients.

So if anybody reading this is interested in seeing growth for their business and delivering unmatched value to you and your clients. You know exactly where to go.

Keep staying suave with SWAV.

All the best from SWAV, and I


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